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September 2021 ESD 20 Regular Monthly Meeting

Notice is hereby given pursuant to Government Codes Section 551.001, 551.054, as amended, that the Board of Commissioners of Harris County Emergency Services District No.20 will meet in Regular session, open to the public, at 7:15 P.M. O’clock Thursday September 9, 2021 at 12820 T.C. Jester Blvd., Houston, Texas, 77038, at which meeting the following items will be considered:

  1. Call to order.
  2. To discuss status of minutes from previous meeting(s) and take any necessary action.
  3. Treasurer’s report:
  4. Ratify checks.
  5. Pay bills.
  6. Department Payroll Expense
  7. Review Sales Tax Reports/Review Account
  8. Fire Department report:
  9. Training
  10. Calls
  • To discuss and take any necessary action to amend the Department 2021 Budget.
  • To discuss and take any necessary action concerning Station 42.
  • To schedule the October 2021 District Meeting.
  • To discuss and take any necessary action concerning District property.
  • Attorney’s Report: Other Issues and Matters
  • Comments from the public.
  • EXECUTIVE SESSION: To discuss and take action on personnel issues, current or contemplated litigation, and/or possible real property acquisition or sale, pursuant to applicable laws and statutes.
  • To take any other necessary action from Executive Session.
  • Adjournment

EXECUTED THIS _________ DAY OF _________________, 2021.


BY: __________________________________________          


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